Acceptance of current Disability Application Assistance Grant funding cycle has concluded on January 31, 2025 at 11:59pm. Applications are now under review.
The current New and Innovative Grant funding cycle was posted February 6, 2025, is accepting applications now through March 21, 2025 at 4:59 p.m.
Under the Laura Hershey Disability Support Act, as amended, C.R.S. § 8-88-200 et seq., the Colorado Disability Funding Committee (CDFC) "shall invite nonprofit entities to submit a proposal for a program to aid persons with disabilities in accessing disability benefits" and “shall accept and review proposals to fund projects or programs that study or pilot new and innovative ideas that will lead to an improved quality of life or increased independence for persons with disabilities.”
In pursuit of the CDFC mission, we encourage applicants to understand the following before submitting a grant application. To do so, please review the CDFC Grants Overview. Since 2017 CDFC has awarded $1.46M in grants to Colorado disability organizations.
Disability Benefit Application Assistance Grants
The requirements for disability benefit application assistance grants can be found in C.R.S. 8-88-203. These grants can fund assistance in obtaining Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), as well as Colorado Medicaid benefits.
New & Innovative Grants
The Committee defines "new and innovative ideas," as that term is used in C.R.S. 8-88-204, to mean novel or original concepts for improving quality of life or increased independence for persons with disabilities, whether such concepts are completely new or propose changes to existing concepts, programs, projects, products, or fields.
Application Process
- Applicants submit an initial disability application assistance grant proposal for review.
- CDFC staff will distribute all proposals to the Grants sub-committee. Proposals are reviewed and discussed within 10 business days of the proposal deadline.
- CDFC Grant sub-committee will review all proposals and select finalists for further evaluation.
- CDFC will notify the submitting organization of the Grants sub-committee's decision within 7 business days of the meeting. CDFC will invite the finalists to submit supporting documentation, including detailed project information, budget, and board membership. Applicants will have 10 business days to submit the additional grant application information requested.
- The CDFC Grant sub-committee will make a final determination of approval or denial upon review of additional information and advance its recommendation to the full CDFC.
- The full CDFC will vote on the recommendations from the Grant sub-committee.
- Applicants will be notified of CDFC decisions. Decisions of the full CDFC committee are final.
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Please submit any questions to the Colorado Disability Funding Committee Administrator, SOC_DFC@state.co.us.
Necessary Supporting Grant Documents
- Grants Overview
- Scoring Sheet for New & Innovative Grants -will open early February, 2025.
- Grant Report Template for New & Innovative Grants -will open early February, 2025.
- Quarterly Grant Report Template for Disability Application Assistance Grants
- W9
Things You Need to Know
- The CDFC is a State organization that distributes State funding, and as such has responsibility to the citizens of Colorado to make sure funds distributed are being used as they were intended. As a condition of receiving these funds, your organization is required to report to the CDFC periodically regarding their use. Using your application and Grant Agreement Summary as a guideline, please submit the reports using the forms below.
- Should the CDFC have any questions regarding your report they may ask additional questions. You may need to provide additional documentation or appear before the CDFC to provide additional information.
- Grants are funded by reimbursement for deliverables unless an exception is requested and granted for advanced funds. If you would need advanced funds please contact SOC_DFC@state.co.us to discuss prior to applying.
- Organizations that are awarded a grant will be contacted with an award letter and be asked to complete the necessary documentation to process grant funds. The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment will process your documents and disburse the funds.
Please contact the Colorado Disability Funding Committee Administrator at SOC_DFC@state.co.us.